CinemaDrape is a unique program that makes it possible to hide or darken specific areas of your computer screen in order to highlight tabs, media players, or just about anything else.
CinemaDrape has a minimalist interface that makes it is very easy to use. Once the program is running, simply use the mouse to mark which areas of the monitor you want to stand out. This process can be done as many times as you’d like, making it possible to highlight any area of the screen.
But CinemaDrape has yet another interesting feature: loads of options that make it possible to customize your user experience. With just a couple of clicks you can adjust the opacity of the dark areas, change their color, and choose to whether to darken the area around the cursor or not.
Overall, CinemaDrape is the perfect program for darkening any area of your computer screen that might be distracting while working, reading online, or watching videos or movies.
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